You need continuing education credits to maintain your NAHB credential – and NAHB Education has made it simpler for you to find courses through the NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory.
In addition to attending NAHB Education courses and conferences and participating in NAHB webinars, credential holders may earn continuing education credit from other approved sources. You can find them by searching this directory, which includes both in-person and web-based learning opportunities. Search by keyword, event type, city, state, and credential.
Questions about continuing education requirements? Contact the NAHB Learning Helpline at 800-368-5242 x8154 or email
Are you interested in offering classes for continuing education? Find out how to list your educational event.
How much continuing education do I need to maintain my NAHB credential? Visit the Continuing Education Requirements for NAHB Credentials page on the NAHB website.
Unclear about what counts as continuing education? Contact the NAHB Learning Helpline at 800-368-5242 x8154 or email
The NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory is solely for educational and informational purposes. Nothing in this directory should be construed as policy, an endorsement, warranty or guaranty by the National Association of Home Builders. NAHB disclaims any responsibility for any damages arising from the use, application or reliance on any information contained in this directory.
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