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The National Association of Home Builders Multifamily Council was first established in January 1981 to serve as the voice of the multifamily industry. NAHB Multifamily represents the specific interests of builders, developers, owners, and managers of all sizes and types of condominiums and rental apartments. Take your time and browse, read, or download the information that interests you.


  • About NAHB Multifamily Membership  (3 items)
    The NAHB Multifamily Council represents the specific interests of builders, developers, owners, and managers of all sizes and types of condominiums and rental apartments and serves as the voice of private, for-profit tax credit developers.
  • Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards  (go to item)
    NAHB's Pillars Awards showcase the best of the best -- the top communities and developments, the best multifamily design, the best marketing efforts, and the top performers and companies in the industry.

  • Not sure what you are looking for? Browse all of the materials related to this topic here.