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NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory

The NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory is a listing of relevant education courses, including in-person courses, conferences, podcasts, webcasts, webinars and workshops/training programs. NAHB wants to make it easier for NAHB credential holders to earn their required continuing education credits to maintain their NAHB credential(s), whether by participating in NAHB and HBA events or programs sponsored by other providers.

Company:Hanley Wood, LLC.
Event Title:Heating Oil Conversion: Exploring Propane as a Viable Alternative Energy Source
Event Type: Online Course
Event Location:Online
Event Date:On-going
Education Content Hours:1 Hour
Event Description:

Heating oil, also known as fuel oil or Number 2 oil, has been a popular choice for homeowners since the early 1900s. As an alternative to coal or wood as a fuel source for boilers and domestic hot water production, heating oil proved to be a reliable, clean, and economical choice for millions of consumers, especially in the Northeast where other fuel types were often more difficult to acquire or were more expensive.

But it is not an environmentally conscious fuel choice. Propane gas has the same remote fuel benefit, coupled with fewer emissions and higher efficiency equipment. This course details economic and environmental reasons why switching from heating oil to propane is a good choice for homeowners, residential builders or remodelers.

Attendees will earn 1 hour of continuing education credit for the following NAHB professional designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB and GMR. 

Learning Objective 1:Describe the history and current use of heating oil in the United States
Learning Objective 2:Understand which alternative fuel sources are available to current heating oil consumer
Learning Objective 3:Complete a heating analysis of alternative fuel energy choices
Learning Objective 4:Understand why propane is a superior alternative to heating oil and explain considerations for converting from heating oi to another energy source
Company Profile:

HANLEY WOOD UNIVERSITY is where thousands of architects, builders, contractors, remodelers and other construction professionals go to fulfill their continuing education and professional training requirements.

Address:4000 MacArthur Blvd
Suite 400
Newport Beach CA 92660
United States
Education Contact:Theresa Wong
Web site:
Credential: Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS) , Certified Graduate Associate (CGA) , Certified Graduate Builder (CGB) , Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR) , Graduate Master Builder (GMB) , Graduate Master Remodeler (GMR)
Audience: Architect