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NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory

The NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory is a listing of relevant education courses, including in-person courses, conferences, podcasts, webcasts, webinars and workshops/training programs. NAHB wants to make it easier for NAHB credential holders to earn their required continuing education credits to maintain their NAHB credential(s), whether by participating in NAHB and HBA events or programs sponsored by other providers.

Company:The Aspire Institute
Event Title:Where GC Profit Actually Comes From
Event Type: Workshop/Training Program
Event Location:Chicago, IL
Event Date:3/18/25
Education Content Hours:6
Event Description:

This workshop will bring clarity and implementable tools that will help differentiate your company from the competition, generate targeted leads, and reduce profit slippage through your estimating and production processes. There ’s A LOT of work out there, understand how much of it your business model needs.

Upcoming event Dates: 
Seattle, WA 4/15/25
Portland, OR 5/20/25
Austin, TX 6/10/25
Dallas, TX 7/22/25

Attendees will earn 6 hours of continuing education credit for the following NAHB professional designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, GMB and GMR.

Featured Speaker:Fred Farris
Learning Objective 1:Margin Management/Pricing
Learning Objective 2:Job Mix
Learning Objective 3:Plugging Profit Leaks
Learning Objective 4:Marketing
Company Profile:

For over 20 years Aspire has been helping the owners and leaders of small businesses achieve new levels of success. We focus on helping those who are expert in their craft become equally powerful as professional business operators. We have developed a proven approach called, The Aspire Method that integrates coaching, education, training, mentoring; all empowered by the Aspire Intelligence System.

Address:414 Church Street
Suite 306
Sandpoint ID 83864
Web site:
Credential: Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS) , Certified Graduate Associate (CGA) , Certified Graduate Builder (CGB) , Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR) , Graduate Master Builder (GMB) , Graduate Master Remodeler (GMR)
Audience: Remodeler
Single-Family Builder