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NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory

The NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory is a listing of relevant education courses, including in-person courses, conferences, podcasts, webcasts, webinars and workshops/training programs. NAHB wants to make it easier for NAHB credential holders to earn their required continuing education credits to maintain their NAHB credential(s), whether by participating in NAHB and HBA events or programs sponsored by other providers.

Company:Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
Event Title:BuildingEnergy Boston 2025
Event Type: Conference
Event Location:Boston, MA
Event Date:March 20-21, 2025
Education Content Hours:11
Event Description:

BuildingEnergy Boston is a conference and trade show designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. It brings more than 1,000 industry leaders and emerging professionals together to learn from and share ideas with each other. Our two full days of sessions are carefully curated by a volunteer committee of NESEA Members, and feature best practices and lessons learned from real case studies and proven data, as well as showcasing innovative technologies and programs.

Attendees will earn 6 hours of continuing education credit for the following NAHB profession credentials: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, GMB, GMR and Master CGP

Featured Speaker:See conference website for details
Learning Objective 1:See conference website for details
Learning Objective 2:See conference website for details
Learning Objective 3:See conference website for details
Learning Objective 4:See conference website for details
Company Profile:

The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) helps high-performance building and energy efficiency professionals improve their practices by learning from and networking with one another. Founded in 1975, NESEA is today the region's leading 501(c)(3) membership organization promoting sustainable energy practices in the built environment.

Our work is vital to increasing sustainability, especially in the building sector. In the United States, the building sector accounts for nearly half of all energy consumption. It also produces nearly half of all greenhouse gas emissions, making it the largest single contributor to climate change. To shape the built environment is to shape the future not only of our cities and towns, but also of our planet.

Headquartered in Greenfield, MA, NESEA operates primarily in the northeastern United States (the six New England states plus New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania), but we increasingly reach out to share ideas nationally and internationally. For example, we’ve collaborated with the German Consulate and the Upper Austria Trade Commission to bring cutting-edge products and information from Europe to our BuildingEnergy conferences & trade shows.

Address:20 Federal St Ste 8
Ste 8
Greenfield MA 01301-3324
Education Contact:Ben Sachs-Hamilton, Conference Director
Web site:
Phone:413 -2135525
Credential: Certified Graduate Associate (CGA) , Certified Graduate Builder (CGB) , Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR) , Certified Green Professional (CGP) , Graduate Master Builder (GMB) , Graduate Master Remodeler (GMR) , Master Certified Green Professional (Master CGP), Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS)
Audience: Architect
Commercial Builder
Custom Builder
General Contractor
Green Building
Manufacturer of Modular/Panelized/Log Homes
Multifamily Developer/Builder
Product Manufacturer
Property Management
Single-Family Builder
Trade Association/Non-Profit