Certified Graduate Builder (CGB)

Grow your business and increase your profits by sharpening your business management skills and your understanding of today's home building industry.

Designation Overviews & Resources
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Are you ready to join the elite ranks of the nation’s top building industry professionals? The Certified Graduate Builder (CGB) designation is your sign to clients and colleagues that you are a member of this respected group of professionals. The Builder Assessment Review (BAR) is your first step …
Course Overview
Learn the management skills that give industry leaders the edge. This on demand course will give you a solid foundation for managing small- to medium- size building/remodeling and service companies. This course explains critical elements from planning to evaluating progress and presents practical …
Course Overview
Protect your business against legal problems with well-written contracts. Many construction or remodeling companies are too small to hire full-time legal staff so it's important to understand basic contract law. This course provides a step-by-step explanation of how contracts sustain positive …
Course Overview
The days of “build it or remodel it and they will buy” are a thing of the past. Today customers are both demanding and selective and, thanks to the world of technology, they are very well educated. So how do you stand out from the crowd and make your brand relevant? This course will give you an …
Course Overview
Learn project management concepts and strategies designed to help you increase your professional value and the value you bring to your company and customers. This course will teach you the basics of successful project management. A successful project is one that is built on time, on budget, and to …
Course Overview
Earn continuing education credit from other approved sources using the NAHB Continuing Education Providers Directory.
If you have met all requirements, apply online for the Certified Graduate Builder (CGB) education designation.
Course Designation
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